Sacred Womb Meditation and Visualization

Oh my goodness!!! This has been an extremely challenging winter for me and most of the clients I’m working with. This winter, much more than the last few, with its dark, dreary and frigid temperature even here in Kentucky, has created a really deep need for “mother” nurturing. Not having the loving arms of my physical mom anymore I’m realizing that this is a time to nestle deep inside the cosmic womb of our Great Mother.

During this time of year when mother earth is resting she is calling us to rest within her womb as well. This winter dreamtime is when we are also being called to cleanse and clear all of the emotional and psychic debris from our wombs that has been collected over the past year, years and for some of us lifetimes. Below is our Sacred Womb Meditation and Visualization to support you in reconnecting to your womb and the womb of the Great Mother so that you can bring forth a healthy and bountiful spring harvest. Before engaging in the meditation visualization be sure to read it first so that you have a sense of the journey and what things you may need to be most comfortable.  Enjoy!!!

This Sacred Womb Meditation and Visualization is designed to assist you in clearing and restoring your telepathic pipeline to the Great Mother. Just as you have a physical, biological and genetic connection to your birth mother you have a Divine connection to the Great Mother. And that connection is your birthright. However, for many of us because of energetic blockages within your womb that connection has been destroyed, leaving us “disconnected” from the sacredness of our own wombs, [whether they have been surgically removed or not the energy of your womb and the cellular memory of your womb is still present] which energetically is the sacred portal for that connection. In reestablishing this connection you will need to consciously clear, heal and rebalance your womb and you must begin by listening to your own womb and hearing what she has to say. It’s all there you just need to clear away the debris so that you can hear. This Sacred Womb Meditation and Visualization is a beginning point and based on what you may discover during this sacred womb journey you may want to consider having additional energetic healing work done by an experience professional energy and/or body worker to further support your womb healing.

As always this ritual will need to take place in sacred space. For this journey you will need to make yourself very comfortable in the goddess pose with your hands either by your side or placed over your womb. For added comfort you may want to use a cushion or pillows to prop under your head and body along with a blanket in case you get cold. Now let’s begin by bringing your awareness to your breath. Taking time to breathe deeply and centering yourself. Allowing yourself to consciously take this time for honoring your sacredness. Just breathe and begin to bring your awareness to your belly, the holy seat of your womb and just spend a few moments consciously breathing deeply and fully, with the knowing that your breath is your most intimate connection to the Source. Breathe and rest in the breath. Rest in the knowing that you are safe and divinely protected as we journey beyond the veil of time and space. Journey beyond the illusion of this third dimensional perceived reality of self. Breathe and rest in the breath. We will journey deep inside the inside of your womb. And to assist you in having a deeper and richer experiential journey into the depths of you womb, you will shift your deep rhythmic breathing into a different type of breathing pattern that will quicken and enrich your womb experience. Both your inhalation and exhalation of this breath is through your mouth. The inhalation is long and the exhalation is short. It is a circular breath a continuous breath. Don’t force the breath. Just allow it to move up from your belly and slid up into and out of your throat like silk. Very good continue that breath.

Now bring your awareness to your womb center and just allow yourself to listen, to feel, sense and experience your womb center. Notice is it warm, cool, dark or hot and bright? There may be blockages. There may be feelings that you haven’t felt in a long time or may be that you have never felt before. It’s OK. This is your sacred center no matter what you may have been conditioned to believe. Just listen and allow yourself to experience your sacred womb. Just allow yourself to witness the contents of your womb. Breathe, listen and hear the silent echoes of ancient wisdom and knowledge of Self reverberating within your womb.

Let your womb know that you are listening to whatever she needs to share without judgment, without blame, without shame. Breathe and listen with your whole being. Let your womb know that you are now ready and willing to restore balance and harmony to your sacred center. Feel your sacredness and let your womb know that you honor the wisdom, magic and mystery retained within your womb. That you honor her life giving potential, your moon bleeding, and the wisdom and power of your womb to hold her blood within as you are ushered into your wiser elder years. Breathe and listen and allow yourself to hear – to see – to experience what your womb has to say to you, without judgment. Just be the witness without attachment.

Listen…and give thanks for the opportunity to honor your womb at this time. Breathe in the rose colored light of gratitude for your life and opportunity to reconnect with the womb of the Great Mother. Remember this is your birthright and She is your Universal Mother. Envision yourself suspended within the stillness of Her cosmic womb. She is waiting to embrace you so that you may suckle the essence of the absolute from her primordial breast. Feel Her caress and allow yourself to experience Her powerful vortex of loving and healing energy. Allow yourself to experience the flow of her healing energy being transmitted to you through the interdimensional umbilical cord of life, clearing, cleansing and energetically reconnecting you to Her womb.

Now, breathe in her maternal love and feel her radiant luminous cosmic light encasing and reconnecting your sacred womb within the darkness of Her Cosmic Womb, and remember the magic that first surrounded your conscious awareness as your spirit danced ecstatically eons ago within the circle of the spiritual midwives in anticipation of your earthly birth. Rejoice. And take a deep breath. Release and return to your normal breathing pattern. Deeply and fully like a newborn baby resting on her mothers’ breast.

When you have completed this journey take a few moments to center yourself and write in your journal any particular messages that you may have received and want to remember. Do this ritual periodically to keep your womb center clear and maintain a solid and healthy connection to the womb of the Great Mother.

In the Spirit,


Please feel free to contact us at for personalized womb healing and liberation.

One Response

  1. Alafia, Iya Osunneke

    This winter is also working me. I did surrender to resting more and accepting I cannot do everything again, (and again), So I am focusing on what I need.

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